TLoELaG 2016/01/18

3 odpovědi [Poslední]
Připojen: 11/04/2013

I had a problem with solving today's puzzle. Then, I've realised, I misunderstood the rules because of this sentence:

"The number in a circle is the sum of the odd digits along its arrow."

For me, the "SUM" of odd digits means: if there are 1 and 3 on the arrow in a central square, so in the circle must be 4 (1+3). Thinking this way, I realised, that's the only possibility for this arrow and then I came soon to a wrong situation in a right down corner square. It came to me, the grid is broken. But when I've opened the link to the Author's site, I read, that in the circle should be a NUMBER (an AMOUNT; HOW MUCH) odd digits on the arrow. So, I think, the description of the rules is misleading.

Obrázek uživatele Admin
Připojen: 10/12/2008
Wrong Rules

k3isim wrote:
I had a problem with solving today's puzzle. Then, I've realised, I misunderstood the rules because of this sentence:

"The number in a circle is the sum of the odd digits along its arrow."

For me, the "SUM" of odd digits means: if there are 1 and 3 on the arrow in a central square, so in the circle must be 4 (1+3). Thinking this way, I realised, that's the only possibility for this arrow and then I came soon to a wrong situation in a right down corner square. It came to me, the grid is broken. But when I've opened the link to the Author's site, I read, that in the circle should be a NUMBER (an AMOUNT; HOW MUCH) odd digits on the arrow. So, I think, the description of the rules is misleading.

I'm so sorry, but I have misunderstood the Rules, and put it here in this wrong form.
This game will be canceled and won't be taken into monthly standings.

Sorry for that.

Připojen: 01/29/2013
Same problem too!

Oh! Yes, I did the exact same thing: started with 4 in the middle circle, and quickly got into trouble in the low right nonet.

So it should be: the number in the circle is how many odd numbers there are on the arrow?

Připojen: 01/14/2009
I had exactly the same

I had exactly the same problem.