Hello Zaitoon,
Hello Mr Kodyn,
I am sorry, because I could not play the game of 15.
I had problem with download flash player, any I try very much, but it didn't happen.
This problem happens much to much for our friends and they could not solve that.
Excuse me and I hope that this problem will be solved soon.
Thank you of Admin and zaitoon.
I try again.
I hope that I can do.
نیوشا جان، سلام. من نیز ناراحت شدم. چون چند نفر دیگر از دوستان مشکل تو را داشتند. و کاری نمیشه کرد جز اینکه همانطور که آقای کارل گفت باید به طرق مختلف سعی کنی که فلش پلیر را نصب کنی، شاید یکی از آن راهها جواب دهد. من از طریق ایمیل سودوکوی -15- را برایت می فرستم. امیدوارم که از حل آن لذت ببری.
قربانت زیتون
Dear Niosha,
I'm so sorry but I'm not able to help you.
You can try to download it and install from here:
There are many places where you can download Flash Player.
Unfortunately it doesn't have anything common with sudokucup site. Sudokucup is just using this application for presenting sudoku to players.
I hope that you'll be able to solve the problem soon.