Where is a booklet for this competiton?
I want to check what types of sudoku will be given.
Is it the same with 6th Sudokucup part 1?
Oups,I’m not wake ut,sorry,I have seen 98 in my answer
I've fixed the bug in the result list...
I hope it's correct right now
I think the result are false :
1)I have send 15 grids not 14
2)The first grid « classic » are good :
as you can see, the correct solution is 215437698 not 215437689.
Right now I'm not able to say, why there is not your solution of puzzle 13 in the Official result list, when it is in the My solution page :(
I'll check it... But unfortunatelly you have it wrong :(
SC6 Part Two takes place on September 3-4, 2011
Is the date confirmed? Next weekend?
It will be the same collection as in 6th Sudokucup Part1
i have the same question. are there practice puzzles for part 2?